About us

our mission is to preserve history and tell stories that stand the test of time.

it’s been a long hard road.

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And We’ve Lost a Few Along the Way.

We’ve lost some great people along the way. We built this site to remember them, to serve others like they served us. With over 100 years of documents, letters, and more, we’ve learned a thing or two about Ancestry Management.

Our History

The worst thing is for memories to be lost. To fade away. We want our families’ stories to stand the test of time. Ancestry Host was built with this in mind. Our mission is to help you preserve your history (without the costs like our “big brother from another mother!”).

Our Mission

We love what we do. We pay homage to fallen friends, help local communities preserve their families’ histories, and tell their stories.

We are all one big family during this brief moment in time. We hope you will cherish it with us together.

Family Owned

We help you rein in free technology for most your ancestry and genealogy needs. Save money (we mean LOTS of money), over that other company (whose name sounds a lot like ours!).

We charge $5/month for our service because we’re doing the hosting for you (cloud, configuration, deployments, backups, security, etc).

With that you get access to tools that would normally cost you $25-$50/month at our NON-OPEN-SOURCE competitors.

We take the hassle out of hosting while ensuring you’re in full control of your data at all times.

Our Costs & Capabilities

We believe in transparency and flexibility. Want to know how much your server costs if you ever want to leave our service? ($3/month! Awesome huh?).

Want to try for a month or two and then back out? No problem (yearly purchases are refunded on a pro-rated basis throughout the entirety of your journey).

When you leave you can take ALL your records with you, beautifully organized, categorized, and cataloged (We think it’s well worth the price of entry for a month just to get that!)

Proprietary ancestry platforms pale in comparison to the power of open-source.

Our Way of Working

With 1000s of open-source apps and tools a few mouse clicks away, you’ll gain access to way more than just ancestry management tools. Things like web-builders, blogs, chat apps, streaming apps, and more. E-mail us at [email protected] to learn more about the many cools things you can do here (at a fraction of the cost of “that other guy!”).

Get in Touch
